May 5, 2014 | By: Unknown

20 april of 2014 !!! MY BIG DAY !!!

WOW!! long time no see ~~

I had not update my blog for more than 2 months .... emmmmmmm ..... coz ......before that  busy with my final ....and then  ....... lazy ?? hahahahaha you know I know .... I need to relax after a busy life .....XD

Okay finish chit chat on my own .... 
Now get started with my topic today !!!

You know guys and gals !!! I finally done my Diploma in Interior Design!!! I'm now a diploma student too!!! HURRAYYYYYYYY !!!

I had just join the 26th convocation of Saito College at Sunway Convention Centre. I was almost  late to the convocation ...hahaha.....coz I don't know where  the Convention Centre is!!! Even though I always go to Sunway for shopping this is the 1st time I went up to the Convention Centre !! The environment was pretty good <3 but I think the air-condition was not cold enough.

This is the invitation card.
Sorry for the photo quality ....the lighting there was not that prefect.
OH!!!! I hate the designer who design this hat !! It is so hard to keep in position !! It keeps falling down ... some students' hats fell down on the stage.

while i waiting my name to call out ...

Thank you daddy and mummy who brought me the flowers <3<3 love you guys very much !! 
Muack Muack ~~
I was shocked when , I saw my little brother gave me the flower cause I don't think that they will buy me the flower cause they know I don't  like flower .... but honestly it makes the photo I took more nicer and  it added some colour to it too !!

After I get my certificate !! This is how I'm look with this costume!!
The flower !! look cute bear!!

My lovely colleagues.... I was so happy to meet you guys this 2 and half year !! We're always doing work together ....having fun together ....joke together ...and so on......
I will always remember you guys ....

we are a happy family before and now became zombie baby .....
 We're finally  GRADUATES!! Yeah!!!!
(ps: it was fun when we 're taking this photo!! the hat will always hit the people in front of you XD)

* Happy Ending *


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